1What is fistula angioplasty?
Opening up of blocked dialysis access, without operation, is called as Fistula angioplasty
2Why it is performed?
It is performed either to save the failing fistula / thrombosed fistula or to reduce swelling and pain overarm
3How it is performed?
It is performed under local anesthesia in the cath lab. Like any other angioplasty, through a small puncture, a guidewire and balloon are placed across the blockage and it is opened up. When results of only balloon dilatation are suboptimum, a metallic tube ( stent) is placed across the blockage.
4What is the duration of hospitalization?
One Day
5What are the results of the procedure?
Fistula salvage and relief in painful swelling is > 70-80%.
6What are the complications of fistula angioplasty?
Failure, re thrombosis, bleeding and puncture site problems can occur
7What is the after care & follow up?
Nothing much.
Dialysis can be done through the same site immediately.
8What is the durability of this procedure?
Six to twelve months. The Person might need re angioplasty after few months.

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